Sunday, September 03, 2006

Row, row, row my boat...

We just got back from a week-long cruise to the Bahamas, and after some time on dry land, there's still something inside me, rocking back and forth. It's like my spleen didn't get the memo.

This being my first time on a cruise, it's a pretty nice, budget-friendly, low-stress way to travel. You get on the boat, and boom, vacation. They even made us feel super at home by scaling the cabins down to shoebox-size, just like our apartment. The boat was a lot of sun, fun and fruity drinks. We didn't win any of the Bingo games, but I did walk away with a free cocktail and 10 bucks for pulling a winning number out of a raffle drum. We also came away with a bag of NCL keychains, luggage tags and beer cozies for winning both Name that Tune and Pub Trivia. Also, a lot of duty-free liquor. Woo.

The one thing I'd definitely never do again though, is cruise during hurricane season. Because when Ernesto comes a'calling to The Carolinas and Virginia and you have to sail through it, the result is your clothes all fallen off the closet shelves and the garbage can being used in a way the good lord never intended.

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